An ancient tomb emerged, and King Altair summoned adventurers to raid it for treasure. You joined, overcoming minor threats, and reached the treasure. Suddenly, the tomb came to life, filled with deadly traps and monsters. As the sole survivor, you found the Deck of Creation, allowing you to manipulate the tomb's rooms. Now, you must use it to escape the living tomb. Will you survive?



Treasure room:

  • Gem: change for weapon
  • Campfire: gives a buff and heals

Trap room: Reduces health

Combat room:

  • Enter -> get higher score (dangerous)
  • Skip -> loses sanity


WIN: Found the ladder to escape

LOSE: No health/sanity left


Player Movement inside rooms: WASD
Attack: LMB
Camera move: Hold Scroll wheel or Arrow keys


  • Project lead / Developer: Candy Overdose
  • Interaction designer / Developer: Zy
  • UI/UX designer / Pixel artist: SimplePixelated
  • Character designer / Pixel artist: snoopeyxd
  • Composer / SFX: DanyB0i

Bug report:

  • The weapon FSM can produce unintended results under certain circumstances, causing two weapons to exist at the same time.


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Very cool game, i suck at puzzles but great game.

Very cool! Super fun idea.

I had some problems with the cards at the beginning, it was kinda glitch some times, but not a huge problem. Sometimes the card just didn't work on the dungeon at the first time I drag it, but not a big problem too, since I could just try dragging again (don't know why this was happening).

It was kinda frustrating fighting the Skeletons in the combat rooms. I always tried to dodge their attacks, but seems it to be undodgeable. 

Other thing that I think would be great is to have give more cards to the player, lets say at least one per turn. I had to lose one action just to get a card per turn. One of the things that make card games fun is that the player have a good amount of options in its hand to choose one, so I guess it's is definitively a good idea to increase the player cards somehow.

I like the concept of changing the dungeon, I think it could be explored more like borrowing tunnels between rooms, picking up cards in treasure rooms, and maybe a building aspect.
I didn't enjoy combat tho, though aiming is hard and skeletons feel unfair 

I can see it going more in rouge-like direction with boss on each level, with combat like "realm of the mad god". Could be fun in this kind of game

Very nice concept ! Great job ! This could be extended to be a full game